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Delivery Tracking

Where is my product?

You will find estimated delivery time in the order confirmation sent to your mail after the purchase. Please note that this is estimated delivery time, and that it sometimes goes faster but sometimes even slower. If it would be that you have not received your product and that the delivery time has passed then you are welcome to contact us at support@tagdeal.ie

I need to change the delivery address of an order

If you have found that you entered the wrong delivery address in your order, please contact us as soon as possible at support@tagdeal.ie. If your order has not been sent yet, we are able to change your address. If your order has already been sent but not delivered to someone, the order will automatically be sent back to the company, which in turn informs us of this. Then we will make a repurchase to you.

Mailings and deliveries

Once you have completed your order, we will send you an email confirming the order details and your delivery address. Under "The fine print" is the estimated delivery time. Please note that delivery time is an estimate and that it can sometimes go faster, but unfortunately sometimes also slower. You are welcome to contact us at support@tagdeal.ie if the estimated delivery time has passed.

Contact Us

You can email us at support@tagdeal.ie

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